In addition to the popular 15400 and 15500 models, the Audemars Piguet ROO Diver 15707 replica has also been a best-seller in recent years. J12 was renowned for producing the finest replica AP 15707, and if you happen to own one of their creations, consider yourself fortunate. Unfortunately, J12 factory ceased operations years ago, making their replicas highly sought after and difficult to come by. Just a few months ago, another factory known as IP released replicas of the AP Diver 15707. While their finish is passable, it doesn’t quite measure up to the standards set by J12. Therefore, I don’t recommend them. However, the new AP 15707 from APS factory is impressive and worth recommending; it’s currently the top contender in the market.
APS factory has been manufacturing Audemars Piguet replicas for years, most notably the 15400 and 15500 models. However, what many people don’t realize is that the clone 3120 movement used by Z Factory and the movement 52010 found in ZF’s Portuguese 7 Days are also developed by APS factory. This fact often goes unnoticed, but it underscores APS’s significant contributions to the industry.
The new 15707 from APS is available in two models: black and white. Both are crafted from genuine ceramic and feature the latest super clone 3120 movement. The black 15707 showcases prominent brushing on the ceramic case and bezel, accented by high-glossy polished screws. While the case finish is commendable, it doesn’t quite match the precision of J12’s AP replicas. The case dimensions are true to the original, albeit slightly thicker due to the solid ceramic construction, resulting in a substantial weight. Positioned at 10 o’clock is a crown that controls the inner diving bezel, while the crown at 3 o’clock allows for time and date adjustments.
The dial is satisfactory, although the main difference lies in the lattice design, where slight variations in size and spacing can be observed compared to the genuine watch. To date, ZF produces the closest lattice design to the genuine, although subtle discrepancies may still be discernible upon close inspection. The lume is robust, ensuring longevity comparable to that of the genuine watch; however, it’s advisable to expose your replica to ample sunlight during the day to optimize its luminescence.
Equipped with a clone 3120 automatic movement, which has undergone two rounds of improvements by APS factory, this replica boasts the best 3120 movement available in the market. This movement is also utilized in the ZF or APS 15400, renowned for its accuracy and stability, with no significant complaints reported regarding the quality of the movement.