Clean factory made significant strides last week by unveiling their replicas of the Daytona, eliciting excitement among enthusiasts who had eagerly awaited a reliable source of super clone Daytonas since Noob ceased production. Clean factory is now emerging as the primary and trusted choice for super clone Rolex watches. Their collection of super clone Rolexes continues to expand, and the quality of their watches has been thoroughly tested and affirmed as the best in the market. Notably, the latest Daytona release, particularly the 116500 Panda Daytona in white, has garnered attention. While one of these timepieces has already been sold, the customer is yet to receive it. Initial feedback suggests that the case, bezel, and bracelet exhibit superior finishing compared to Noob’s offerings.

Personally, I am drawn to the Datejust watch in their collection. Featuring a grey dial adorned with green Roman markers, it presents a captivating and eye-catching combination. The replica watch boasts a 41mm case diameter and a thickness of less than 12mm. Crafted from 904L stainless steel, both the case and bracelet exhibit top-level finishing. The case thickness closely mirrors that of the genuine Rolex, and the meticulous polishing on both the case and bracelet almost rivals that of Rolex watches from AR factory.

The classic dial design, featuring a sunburst pattern with green Roman markers, is complemented by a bar-shaped marker at 9 o’clock filled with luminous material. The watch ensures excellent legibility in low-light conditions, with the hour and minute hands also treated with a blue lume. Adding to its appeal is the presence of a clone 3235 movement, a significant advantage. Few watch manufacturers incorporate a clone 3235 in their Datejust replica watches, and even compared to EW’s version, Clean factory’s rendition stands out for its superior performance. For those interested, accompanying this text are photos showcasing the elegance of the green Rome Datejust II.

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