In our previous discussion, we touched on the Sky-Dweller replica Rolex watches from New N Factory, which is purportedly operated by a relative of the boss of Noob. Despite the availability of replicas from various factories, including New N Factory and TW, I still advise against purchasing Sky-Dweller replicas. Unlike other Rolex models like the Datejust, Submariner, and Daytona, which have super clones available in the market, replicating the Sky-Dweller, Rolex’s most complex timepiece, poses significant challenges. Many readers have inquired about the possibility of creating a super clone movement for the Sky-Dweller, but I believe it’s currently unfeasible.

Recently, just before our National Day holiday, Z factory released their own replica Sky-Dweller. However, I remain cautious about its quality and value. While the new Sky-Dweller replicas from Z factory come in various colors like black, white, and blue, the blue model suffers from a noticeable dial color discrepancy compared to the genuine watch—it appears overly blue. Additionally, Z factory employs a Sea-gull 2824 movement in these new Sky-Dweller replicas, which, while more stable than previous Mingzhu movements used by Noob, still differs significantly from the functions of the genuine watch.

Based on video reviews I’ve seen online, there are doubts about whether the new Sky-Dweller released by ZF (Z Factory) is actually produced by them. Some individuals in the videos claim that the watches are assembled by third parties in the market, intending to sell them under ZF’s brand. This practice isn’t uncommon, as many smaller workshops in our market seek to capitalize on the reputation of larger factories. For instance, BBF sells Hublot Unico and Sang Bleu replicas under ZF’s name. Given this uncertainty and the tendency for ZF to price their replica watches higher than other factories, I advise against purchasing the ZF Sky-Dweller at this time.

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